I'll just touch on the things that really stick out for the past weeks. I'll start with my oldest, Weston. We took him to SUU for Student Orientation. It was an all day thing. I know I promised to take lots of pictures but my husband told me to put the camera away. Now I see how wise he was when he told me "now is not the time". I would have been the only mommy with her camera. It would have been a lot like the first day of Kindergarten. They had this special Orientation for the parents. To sum up the 4 hours of the Parent Lecture it was... "We are basically telling you parents the same thing we are telling your children except we think they'll pay better attention if you're not around, and now is the time to LET GO!" Ken told me to pay particular close attention to the "LET GO" part. Now Weston is in SO Cal staying at a Beach house with 8 other boys (no parents). My last and only text message said "We're here and we're having a blast."
I did make sure he had sun screen this time. One more thing to noteworthy about Weston is..... we agreed about something political last week. You wouldn't think that would be such a big deal but it was a momentous occasion. We are on opposite sides of the political world. I keep telling myself that this is just a normal teen rebellion thing. If my choice of teen rebellion is between this or drugs, I'll take this any day. The sad thing is he really has studied and thought these things out. It's not just "following the pack". I guess I shouldn't say that's a "sad thing" it's good........ I guess...... We just have different political outlooks on things. Our discussions get pretty heated sometimes. Because he is like his mom in the area of being very "intense" on current events. But the coolest thing was we actually had an area of agreement. It was fabulous.... almost brought me to tears... Not really, but it was pretty cool.
This post is getting a little longer than I had wanted so I'll update on the rest of the family later.
Tanner and his buddy
Ella's new thing "dressing herself". She empties her drawers everyday trying on various clothing. This was her trying to see how many swimsuits can she wear at once.
Abby just lights up around her sister. I wonder how long that will last.